Note: This is just an interpretation that we thought would be interesting to tackle with. There is no absolute definition being given here, only our thoughts and perspectives on a story.
     In relation to the course, we have been exploring what we each define as “our Canada.” Through some discussion, we have come to realize that even within our group, our personal definition varies from one person to the next. With this is mind, we have different expectations when reading a novel that has been canonized as “Canadian Literature.” 

     Every person who reads a book will have a different interpretation. A person who has traveled around the world, a grown up in the local nation will have different thoughts on how and what to perceive from the book. While reading Life of Pi we are given an extension to our belief of what is Canada to us. Through these interpretations and thoughts we can collaborate to create a unique web of knowledge that will encompass thoughts from different perspectives.  

     While looking back to the angle we choose to tackle GGRW with “Our Canada” we thought long and hard about how this piece of Literature is Canadian or shows some aspect of ‘Canadianess.’ Finally after thinking long and hard we decided a new story about what the phrase literature in Canada means. Literature in Canada does not mean literature that has some meaning to Canada or has some item or symbol that shows in the book, literature that inspired to the author by being physically or spiritually in Canada.  Life of Pi holds many concepts and teachings that we try to understand ourselves e.g. religion, human behavior.  This book does an exceptional job to encompass large issues such as these into one book and try and bring some perspective to these ideas. 

     Yahnn Martel was not physically present when he completed this book, but his inspiration began from his room in Montreal.  Thus we can conclude that sometimes you do not have to be a Canadian born person to be part of Literature in Canada, but any idea that comes from the influence of Canada is what it means to be part of Literature in Canada.

Goal: Broaden our concept of “ Our Canada” and Literature in Canada

11/11/2010 12:35:38 am

O.K. This is interesting, now having considered your perspective, I begin to wonder about the possibility of applying our questions about 'Canadianess' to any novel - regardless of the 'nationality' of the author or text. What your questioning prompts me to consider is the idea that the 'Canadianess' of a novel is to be found in the 'reader' - not the text? By this I mean, it is the questions, images, allusions, connections and worldviews that the reader brings to the story that shapes what the story 'means' in context with our quest to understand Canadian Literature, or Literature in Canada, or 'being in' Literature in Canada. What an intriguing line of inquiry you have sent me off on .... thanks.

Now, I need to know your ideas for your presentation? I want to be involved, to assist and guide and ask my questions as you prepare ... thanks


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